Good afternoon from BurstBite! We are here to offer you the best gastronomic delights and drinks that will awaken your taste buds. Get ready for culinary delight!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I schedule an order for a later time or date?
Yes, during the checkout process, you can schedule your order for a specific time or date, allowing you to plan events or busy days in advance.
Can I order pickup instead of delivery?
Yes, our platform offers the ability to place pickup orders. Simply select the pickup option during checkout and your order will be ready at the designated restaurant location.
How do I update my account information or shipping address?
To update your account information or shipping address, log in to your account on our website or app and go to the settings or profile section to make changes.
How do I reset my password if I forgot it?
If you have forgotten your password, click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset your password using your email address.

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